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Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly on moving city forward
Toronto mayor Rob Ford deputy-mayor-norm-kelly-changes-locks-offices-at-toronto-city-hall
HiMY SYeD - Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly, on why a "Deputy Deputy" Mayor is needed, Toronto, June 11 2014
Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly on Rob Ford rant video
Norm Kelly says we've all seen behaviour like Ford's privately with friends
HiMY SYeD -- Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly Response to Federal Budget, Toronto City Hall, February 11 2014
HiMY SYeD -- Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly, Mayor Rob Ford, Toronto City Hall, 9:20 a.m. November 14 2013
Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly, partners with Toronto EMS to help save lives
Toronto's new Mayor Norm Kelly comments on Rob Ford
Celebration of Love Invitation from Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly and Councillor Kristyn Wong Tam
#CityVote face off: Norm Kelly and Jim Karygiannis
Not the Norm: A look at Coun. Kelly's Twitter takeover